Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lunch Hour


Update je time lunch hour, tp dh lunch awal td 😋 So where is my 'istiqomah' to keep constantly updating my blog? Huwaaa... 😭😭 I do follow some blogger yang mcm petik je anything across their mind then... tadda...siap satu entry. daebak sgt. 

Mind you I have a lot of work to do right now. Kerja2 yang makin bersimpang siur hujung2 ni. Momentum kerja dah tak mcm awal2 start dulu. I'm really lost to organized my priority. Kadang2 ada dugaan dtg, Allah bg sakit, terus terstop buat kerja. Waktu tu rasa susah sgt, tapi time Allah bagi kesenangan, ruang dan masa, tak appreciate betul2. Thats typical of me.

Apa pun, dpt rasa aura positif for this year. Alhamdulillah, more things keep coming to help me to be more thankful and grateful of my life. Dan bila dulu bertalu ujian datang, dan makin dewasa, I found my self being more reasonable not to share everthing with others, especially on social media. Tak share everthing tu means, u tak dpt lg result utk apa yang u dah plan atau wish, tp u dah gebang awal2 kat fb, ig, blog, etc2. In case failed, for myself at least, I'll feel more pressure, even orang tak ckp apa pun. But sometimes people still wondering what did u achieve so far. 

"Dont tell people your plan, but tell them your result"

Yes, thats what I mean. Show off atau tak, bergantung pada niat kita. Sebab kadang2 bila baca sesetengah orang share tentang kejayaan, kekayaan, travel satu dunia, beranak ramai cute2 plk tu, suami handsome - ada yang buat kita suka baca cerita mereka, dan ada yg buat kita rasa annoying. 

oh tips to endure annoying thing, just unfollow them incase of FB, sb block atau unfriend kan mcm tak sopan atau kejam sgt, lagi2 kalau one day they find out 'eh asal aku dgn dia tak friend ni?' dan dia hantar u friend request balik 😂

So, keep on sharing your story to inspire others, not to annoyed anyone. Hope that will last longer than I expect. unless I do update about food, my-happy moment of-repeated-meeting-with-some friends, my cat, please excuse them 😁

Gambar sekadar hiasan, haha
I think I'm starting to miss Kwang Ja thinking that they will be end this Feb.
Those yang tak kenal mamat ni, dont start google, it just for fun 😜
I love their variety show, and seek for them last year & am addited now... *sigh
Love Kpop? no, I only love popcorn. bye.

update 23/01/2017:

haha, I guess SBS production read my blog  😅
a day after this post, they announced that RM will be continue airing with 6 members 😍

hurreyyy ~~ 🍄🎊🎉🎁🎈😁


*now lets pray they didnt take you on screen more than usual 🏃

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