Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bukit Keluang


Sempena cuti umum 4 Sept ni, terasa nak merajinkan diri mengupdate blog  Cerita bln 4 ritu x silap, few days sblm bergerak mencari rezeki di Pilah. Plan gitu-gitu je, so antara yg ada - Pijah-Amani-Zie-Yanah-Thah-and tuan blog. hujung2 tu Tqah join kejap.

Petang khamis carpool kreta zie ke jerteh, sebelum tu jumpa thah kat area sana dan gerak sama2 ke rumah adik pjah. Tp adik dia takde, so malam tu rumah tu kami conquer  Lepas settle solat n rest lebih kurang, kami start prepare utk bbq. Time bakar2 ni mcm2 cerita kelaur. tak sangka, even dh jarang sgt jumpa, bila skali jumpa, throwback cerita2 lama dan update cerita baru, semua like we were going back to our old sweet time .. and it was about 15 years ago! lebiu buddys! 

settle bakar2, sambung makan kat dalam, makin rancak citer keluar. nasib jiran sebelah takde...kot.  dgr tgh mlm kul 2pagi ada lagi bunyi sok sek sok sek terkikik2 tak tdo2 lagi .. dalam pukul 5 kot mcm tu, bangun siapkan bekal tuk hiking. buat mee goreng, sandwich, goreng kopok keping. dalam pukul 7, off we go to bukit keluang 

Muka tak cukup tidur siap sedia utk terjah bukit keluang man 

Dipendekkan citer, sampai la kami kat atas ni... mencabar jugak la utk tuan tanah sampai ats ni, sb dah lama tak join bnda2 lasak, dgn pakai sliper asadi je plk tu..sobs. nak muntah pun ada 
tapi dah alang2 ni, takkan nak patah balik. lagi tak sanggup...
puas hati jugak la bila sampai puncak ni, walaupun matahari dah naik mencucuk2 panas,
dengan manusia lagi ramai dah sampai sini...

Dan dah alang2 panas tu, kita bakor je terus 
Ya Rabbi... time ni, Tuhan je yg tahu betapa panas terbakor nya muka...
tapi sb fotograper (read thah) kata sabor syu.. lawo ni..
maka i pasrahkan je. nasib betul lawa view dia... 
berbaloi terbakor  

ni pjah candid kot. pun sukaaaa... 

lepas dah rehat sminit dua, terus gerak turun. nak turun rasa lagi mencabar dr mendaki. ada part yg curam sgt. dah hujung2 tu ada anak tangga, tp better tak payah buat anak tangga kot, sb lagi longgar lutut rasa turun guna anak tangga ni.. 

apa pun Alhamdulillah, selamat sampai bawah. terus order teh ais, kopi ais, nestlo ais 
yg lain g cari port nak sarapan bekal. time ni tqah dah sampai. bawak bola2 brownies. sedap!
so again lepas sambil makan sambil sembang. bila la lagi nak mcm ni.. rinduuuuu 

us sebelum berpisah dengan pjah n tqah. lepas tu sambung lagi port photoshoot.
yang tu next entry kalau rajin 
till then... selamat hari raya korban 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Rise & Shine @ 'Lombok'


Sabtu baru ni keluar berpagi-pagian dgn cik yanah n cik zie ke pantai teluk ketapang. motif sebenar mcam tak berapa jelas, sb tak plan mana pun. ikutkan cik yanah dia nak g mandi kat Lata Payung Setiu πŸ˜‘ tapi setelah dibidas2 dengan usul logik, shes fine with pantai dekat rumah i. so biasa pergi pantai pagi2 orang joging, tgk sunrise ke kan... tapi tak berapa nak sunrise sgtla... 7.20am ok mcik tu sampai rmh... πŸ˜ͺ 

here we are... 'lombok' in terengganu πŸ˜ buai ni start trending lepas ramai g lombok kan. mula2 kat terngganu ni, orang buat kat pantai batu buruk dulu. pastu baru perasan, eh teluk ketapang pun buat jugak. jadi ayuh la kita feeling2 lombok kat sini πŸ˜Š tinggal lagi buai tu tak duduk dalam air, hihi.

cik zie feeling sorang2 sambil dengar lagu... πŸ˜Š

gambar yang masih belum boleh move on. haha bagi la chance la feeling pro dgn hasil bidikan sendiri πŸ˜ pinjam hp cik yanah, tp boleh je kan nk claim guna dslr πŸ˜› betul la org ckp, selain gadjet yg canggih, yg peting u kena ada skill #masukliftekansendiri? πŸ˜‹ penat okeh terbongkok, tercongok nak cari angle dari bawah mcm ni. kopi tarik jugak yg glemer. ni tgh tunggu kot2 wonda coffee contact nak offer free stock kopi tarik utk setahun  #thankyoucikziebelanjakopitarikbytheway πŸ˜˜

cover album πŸ˜Ž kat depan pantai ni ada deretan pokok rhu, boleh la kalau tuan2 hamba nak berposing. skill di sini: cari batu bata ganti tripod, set timer, lari laju2 posing tahan napas sengih mcm tak ada wlpn sbnrnya semput mintak oksigen πŸ˜‚

selain lombok, anda juga feeling nami island kat sini 😁- kes tak puas hati posing pokok rhu cenonet je dpn sana td. kawasan ala2 nami island ni dia hujung teluk ketapang menghala ke seberang takir. ramai jgk buat outdoor photoshoot sini. kalau tak nak ada orang, kena dtg pg2 mcm ni. sama juga area buaian td, kena dtg pagi. walaupn ada 10buaian, kalau dtg petang, hadap je la tgk buaian tu..semua penuh πŸ˜Œ

penutup aktiviti diserikan dengan acara sarapan di warung seri gelang. warung ni menghala ke airport terengganu. tiap kali pergi pasar pagi teluk ketapang dulu mmg akan lalu warung ni, tapi tak pernah singgah. orang mmg sentiasa ramai. sb speciality dia yg jarang ada kat warung lain kat terengganu ni ; dia ada mee soto, kacang pool, roti titab. lain2 tu biasa la ada kuih2, nasi lemak. soto tu zie n yanah ckp sedap. menyesal tak tapau... πŸ˜­ kacang pool pun x sempat rasa sb lepas habis mkn br notice kedai ni jual kacang pool. takpe, dia nak suh kita g lagi tu.. πŸ˜‹

roti telur goyang. share dgn yanah. ala2 roti titab jugak, tp dia tak letak sekaya sb roti tu dia bakar dgn majerin n gula kot x silap. so rasa sama je kot dgn roti titab. tetap kombinasi yg mabeles. cuma i lg ok kalau takde rs manis. overall makan semua :nasi lemak ayam 2, mee soto 4 (yanah tapau 3), roti telur, tea tarik, tea peng, nescafe peng, total RM22.50 kalau x silap. murah kan? #thankyoucikyanahbelanjeeee 😘 utk 6-7org mkn tp hrga sgt reasonable. apa lagi, jom jjcm terengganu πŸ˜ #visitterengganu2017

so konklusinya aktiviti kami pagi tu sebenarnya lebih kepada photoshoot, sembang, makan, sembang πŸ˜ no joging no sunrise sgt. x joging pun berpeluh sakan jugak bahagian setting gmbr 😭 tu baru 3org, biasa lg ramai lg melarat2 sampai ptg. tp tak boleh la, dgn cuaca sekarang ni...3-4 jam kat pantai tu mmg berlengas. balik rumah sambung tolong mak buat summer cleaning. fuh, blh tahan power berpeluh hari tu. but am happy πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

jumaat ni looking forward feeling hiking seongsan illchubong plk, haha. stay tune... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Sunday, January 29, 2017

New Header


Writing this post from UMT. Rajin naw masuk kampus time orang cuti ni. Bkn rajin, but I just cant stay at home - feeling disoriented - either to do my work or to sleep 😁. Btw its so quiet here that I have to keep playing my playlist. I'm not a type that really enjoy working while listening to music, but just to make sure the surrounding is not so quiet, yet creepy πŸ‘» 

And yes, there is not much more work I've done since morning I've been here, and I have to go back home in less than 3hours. But it turn out I manage to get new header for my blog - yeay - ok this is not a work that I have to complete actually 😭 but feel like oh please idea come to me yet they didnt come so I change my direction to blog. such a cool decision huh? *cry again* lama sangat dah tak bertukar blog header tu. Dah tak serajin dulu nak edit sana sini. Dulu siap editkan blog header orang lain πŸ˜Ž 

Still sayang header yang ni. Tapi mohler kita move on. 2017 dah kak.

Tadda... new header mak ngah merah πŸ˜†
Simple je. Photoshop is not my playground anymore.
Jenguk skali skala boleh la.
At least untuk blog ni,
walaupun jarang berupdate,
nampak la tuan tanah take care lagi kat dia πŸ˜

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Resepi Ayam Masak Halia


Rinduuu nak letak resipi sendiri kat blog 😳. Sekarang masih lg ketua chef di rumah, tapi dah tak berapa ada tenaga nak amik gambar makanan, bkn takat makanan, apa2 gambar pun dah tak se'excited' dulu nak snap. faktor usia mungkin πŸ˜­ 

Ayam masak halia ni all time favourite. Biasa kalau g kedai makan yang ada hidang lauk ni mmg confirm amik walaupun sesudu kuah sb ada juga lauk lain yg tempting. haha. org tamak mmg begitu.  The recipe was so simple tp tak yah nak pejam2 mata sangat, kena pisau terus tukar jd neng yatimah kang. Resepi cedok dari blog kak Azlita masam manis. Antara sifu blogger masakan dia ni. Bukan takat resepi best, gambar2 dia semua level pro. 

The picture was so delicious kan? πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

So ini resepinya:

Resepi Oleh : Kak Liza
Rujukkan : Yatie

1/2 ekor ayam ~ potong kecil, basuh bersih dan toskan ( ita goreng dulu ayam ni dengan kunyit dan garam )
3 sudu besar sos tiram 
1 sudu kecil tepung jagung di bancuh dengan 1/2 cawan air
1 sudu kecil lada hitam ~ ditumbuk kasar
1 pokok daun bawang atau sup ~ potong pendek
1 biji buah tomato ~ belah 4
1/2 batang carrot ~ potong kecil
minyak utk menumis
garam dan sedikit gula

Bahan Hiris

5 cm halia
1 labu  bawang besar
3 ulas bawang putih
3 tangkai cili merah
4 tangkai cili padi merah

Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan hiris sehingga layu.
Masukkan ayam, lada hitam,sos tiram dan kacau rata. Masukkan sikit air dan tutup.
Masakkan ayam sehingga lembut. Masukkan carrot dan gaul sebati.
Masukkan bancuhan tepung jagung. Biarkan sehingga pekat.
Masukkan tomato buah dan daun bawang. Kacau rata.
Tutup api, angkat dan bolehlah di hidangkan.

Partnerkan dia dengan nasi panas πŸ˜‹
Selamat mencuba! πŸ˜„

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lunch Hour


Update je time lunch hour, tp dh lunch awal td πŸ˜‹ So where is my 'istiqomah' to keep constantly updating my blog? Huwaaa... 😭😭 I do follow some blogger yang mcm petik je anything across their mind then... tadda...siap satu entry. daebak sgt. 

Mind you I have a lot of work to do right now. Kerja2 yang makin bersimpang siur hujung2 ni. Momentum kerja dah tak mcm awal2 start dulu. I'm really lost to organized my priority. Kadang2 ada dugaan dtg, Allah bg sakit, terus terstop buat kerja. Waktu tu rasa susah sgt, tapi time Allah bagi kesenangan, ruang dan masa, tak appreciate betul2. Thats typical of me.

Apa pun, dpt rasa aura positif for this year. Alhamdulillah, more things keep coming to help me to be more thankful and grateful of my life. Dan bila dulu bertalu ujian datang, dan makin dewasa, I found my self being more reasonable not to share everthing with others, especially on social media. Tak share everthing tu means, u tak dpt lg result utk apa yang u dah plan atau wish, tp u dah gebang awal2 kat fb, ig, blog, etc2. In case failed, for myself at least, I'll feel more pressure, even orang tak ckp apa pun. But sometimes people still wondering what did u achieve so far. 

"Dont tell people your plan, but tell them your result"

Yes, thats what I mean. Show off atau tak, bergantung pada niat kita. Sebab kadang2 bila baca sesetengah orang share tentang kejayaan, kekayaan, travel satu dunia, beranak ramai cute2 plk tu, suami handsome - ada yang buat kita suka baca cerita mereka, dan ada yg buat kita rasa annoying. 

oh tips to endure annoying thing, just unfollow them incase of FB, sb block atau unfriend kan mcm tak sopan atau kejam sgt, lagi2 kalau one day they find out 'eh asal aku dgn dia tak friend ni?' dan dia hantar u friend request balik πŸ˜‚

So, keep on sharing your story to inspire others, not to annoyed anyone. Hope that will last longer than I expect. unless I do update about food, my-happy moment of-repeated-meeting-with-some friends, my cat, please excuse them πŸ˜

Gambar sekadar hiasan, haha
I think I'm starting to miss Kwang Ja thinking that they will be end this Feb.
Those yang tak kenal mamat ni, dont start google, it just for fun πŸ˜œ
I love their variety show, and seek for them last year & am addited now... *sigh
Love Kpop? no, I only love popcorn. bye.

update 23/01/2017:

haha, I guess SBS production read my blog  πŸ˜…
a day after this post, they announced that RM will be continue airing with 6 members πŸ˜

hurreyyy ~~ πŸ„πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸ˜


*now lets pray they didnt take you on screen more than usual πŸƒ

Saturday, January 21, 2017

#MyTravelokaEscapade : Make My Heart Bloom in South Korea

Pic source : Google image

Since I was in degree study, I keep dreaming to travel in South Korea. It was the time when K-Drama series took most space of my hard disk and completing assignment would be the most disaster thing when you got hooked with a new series drama πŸ˜·. Back then, like the other girls, I keep having Korean crushes πŸ˜. Planning to travel all over the South Korea and pray harder to bump into some Korean celebrities 😍😁. But after the years, with abundance of traveler keep blogging about their visit to South Korea, it give me a new perspective on how amazing was the dreamland, despite of just focusing on their Hallyu wave πŸ˜„

Gyeonghwa Station (Google Image)

Throughout four seasons, I love to treasure the wonderful spring there- its time for cherry blossom hunting mission πŸ’–, as well as other flowers like tulip, azalea and yellow rape seed. So for that purpose, I wish I can have a chance to have my footprint in Busan, Jeju and Seoul. As a country with most efficient public transport, people can spend their precious time over the three place without leaving any regret of not having much time to cover all the places. Ok, lets checkout my plan πŸ˜‰.

Firstly in Busan, my priority is to attend Cherry Blossom Festival which located in Jinhae. For all reasons, I have to fulfill this mission first before I could leisurely go around South Korea. I cant help for not being crazy over this wonderful nature πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

Yeojwacheoon Stream, Jinhae
Pic credit to Google Image

Some travelers said that if you think the picture shows how wonderful the cherry blossoms view - no you are not. Being under the 'roof' of cherry blossoms were totally different from what you have seen in the pic. Even the local were mesmerized to be here, so I just cant imagine how I'll react to this fantastic nature (pitam bangun pitam bangun 40x πŸ˜‚)

Gwangalli beach
Pic credit to Lonely Planet

The must visited place in Busan - Gwangalli Beach. The thing I cant left behind for some truly spectacular nigtime scenery - gaze at the iconic Diamond bridge πŸ˜ There is also Jagalcgi Market and Gamcheon Culture Village that I'll put in my itinerary to complete my visit in Busan ✌

Rape seed or canola in Jeju Island
Pic credit to Google Image

Ok now lets move to Jeju Island. Mind you my mission is to hunt flower festival in South Korea πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ So this 'yellow field' is the first thing I could ever try to find there - a must! or else I wont move to other spot πŸ˜‚ From the pics and some videos, I could say this is a breathtaking view I could ever experience there. And just imagine there is also some spot where Canola mix with cherry blossom along the road πŸ˜² I hope people wouldn't stop me to sing happily there πŸ˜‚

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak
Pic Credit to Google Image

Jungmun Daepo Coast: Jusangjeolli Cliff
Pic credit to Google Image

Jeju island beach waterfall
Pic credit to Google Image

Those three place above were be included in my travel itinerary there.
As 'environmentalist', I think those place blend well in my heart 🌺😊 

Everland Themepark
Pic credit to Google Image

Hehe sorry, its flower again πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆπŸ˜
My last destination for Spring mission - Seoul 
Now its time to meet my another flower 'crush' - miss tulips πŸ˜š. 

Jaw drop  πŸ˜²πŸ˜²πŸ˜²
Tulips in Everland
Pic credit to Google Image

I really want to see a field of tulips flower so badly 
and Everland themepark is one of the spot that can make me overly excited! 
And of course I want to try the games there tooo hihi πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

Namsan Tower
Pic credit to malaysionflavours web

You seriously make a joke if you missed to visit N Seoul Tower when you are in Seuol. Though it is typical place for traveler, but this is my 1st time, so I also want to witness the metamorphosis of mega-city dusk - gaze upon the stunning city view ✨

Changdeokgung Palace
Pic source : Google Image
Dusk cityscape with seoul skyline and changdeokgung palace in South Korea
Pic credit to Google Image

I could say Seoul is a city of contrast - you will be fascinated with the beautiful ancient palace that located within modern and high-tech buildings. At least, I must visit one of the palace. Pssst.. there is also flower blooming inside right? You can call me 'minah bunga' for this Spring mission πŸ˜

Am looking forward to sightseeing this futuristic architecture too πŸ‘‡ πŸ˜Š

Pic credit to Google Image

Though I'm not a shopaholic, but knowing there is shopping mall opened for 24hours, I was like - yeayyy! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ πŸ˜„ it must be happening to walk around on late night or window shopping till drop πŸ’¦ Hunting for 'famous ikan bakar', walk along cheonggyecheon stream and having spectacular sightseeing around LED roses is also among activity I want to experience there.

Banpo moonlight rainbow bridge
Both pic credit to Google Image

This! This magnificent view make me wish to have doraemon 'magic door' so that I can be there this instant! πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ Why so pretty~~~ πŸ˜­ Those place above are part of my travel planning, but still there some place like Nami Island, Petite France, Insadong, Myeondong, Itaewon, Hundae, and many more that I want to go. The post about 8 Awesome Things We Alla Gotta Do in Seoul from Traveloka helps a lot for making a fun journey in South Korea. 

Korean food
Photo collection from Google Image

Other than fascinating place, I do eager to taste the tantalizing kimbap, hotteok, tteokbokki, king crab, dumplings and many more. And also the street food too! Its so tempting just to watch how Korean enjoy the simple dish by the stall *i heard they sell grilled lobster tooo 😲😍 - lobster - tepi - jalan - wow!  And of course as a coffee lover, I want to try the various type of coffee they served. 

Before I end this post, feel free to watch my few seconds short video below...

Though it is really2 short, I hope everyone like it and foremost,
our Daboss do like it and approve my leave. 
Thank you in advance! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Date berterusan


Pinjam hashtag #sagaberterusan. Date dengan member2 yang dah masuk tahun ke 17 ulang tahun persahabatan kami, syabas ! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸ’πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š Hari tu reunion mcm proper sikit perjumpaan dia, siap planning menu n tempat. Date ni mcm : 'jom kuar' - 'ok set'. siapa free silakan join. 

Date last 2016 hujung tahun baru ni. Lawat Adah berpantang 2nd baby. 
Dah sepasang, girl + boy. tania3 πŸ˜

Lepas solat Asar rumah Adah, dating diteruskan dengan sesi 'ngeteh'. Wajib la kena makan bila dating 😁. Selalu jadi masalah besar bila nak decide tempat dating - 'cepatla, nak makan kat mana ni?' 'oi kat mana kita nak makan ni?' πŸ˜΅

End up kami makan Killney Gong Badak. Order set Western Talam. Senang. Makan share ramai2. Makanan tak sedap pun jadi sedap bila makan bersama perencah gelak ketawa. eceh πŸ˜˜ Dinner treat by cik jah. Tq cik jah, moga makin dimurahkan rezeki, dipermudahkan urursan perjodohan πŸ˜˜

Ok, yang ni baru sabtu lepas jumpa. Kali ni Min n Thah join. Dorang ni ada je stay kat Trengganu, tapi tak pernah jumpa kot. Mcm Thah tu, waktu jumpa br ni, ingt mcm eh last kita jumpa time PMR dulu kot, padahal duk matrik Kulim skali ok πŸ˜‚ punyala tak ambil tahu sgt each other masa tu, padahal kalau nk compare dgn matrik lain, KMK tu kecik je, tak sampai sribu pun student dia. now cik thah kita dah settle down kat Klinik Kesihatan Setiu as pegawai sains makanan. Min plk baru habis master upm. hebat2 depa ni πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Yg ni pun end up mlm br sampai rumah. mmg tiap kali dating, tak pernah cukup nya sejam dua tu. kurang2 kena settle kat dua tempat makan berbeza πŸ˜„ ada je benda jadi topik bersembang. ni dah set date bowling bulan depan. haha, we will see for how long this will last longer. hope2 sampai anak cucu la ye, harap2 atok2 sporting la benarkan nenek2 lepak sesama lagi πŸ˜‚  c u our next date πŸ’–